Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Drawing Funds from the European Union Essays
Drawing Funds from the European Union Essays Drawing Funds from the European Union Essay Drawing Funds from the European Union Essay Pulling Fundss from the European Union Introduction European Union financess are an instrument for implementing its economic and societal coherence policies whose aim is to extinguish the disparities in development degrees amongst the EU member provinces and the comparative crudeness of the most deprived provinces. The EU financess provide support for a broad scope of undertakings covering countries such as urban and regional development. employment and societal inclusion. The financess besides cover agricultural and rural development. maritime developments. invention and research ventures. and human-centered assistance. It means that municipalities. concerns. ministries. non-profit organisations. larning establishments. the conveyance industry. and research establishments are eligible to use for the financess. Management of Fundss Support. the exclusive intent of the EU financess. is supervised in conformity with a set strict regulations to guarantee that there is entire control over how to pass the financess ; in a transparent and accountable mode. Twenty-eight EU commissioners have the unequivocal duty of guaranting that donees use the financess consequently. Nonetheless. executing cheques and one-year audits is a duty that lies with the national authoritiess. It is because the financess are largely managed within the beneficiary provinces. Management of 76 per centum of the whole EU budget happens in coaction with province and regional governments via a system of shared direction. Allotment of Fundss The EU provides financess from five classs: The European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) . European Social Fund ( ESF ) . Coherence Fund ( CF ) . European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ( EAFRD ) . The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund ( EMFF ) . These major financess are referred to as Structural Funds. There are other financess that the EU manages straight. These other financess are normally in the signifier of grants and contracts. There is a common false belief that money from Brusselsââ¬â¢ is available for free and for any intent. Reality check proves it otherwise because grants from the EU are normally made available for back uping specific aims. A large ball of the financess is non given to donees straight. but through province and regional governments who are responsible for crystalline direction of the financess ( Council. 2007 ) . The European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF ) : The purpose of the ERDF is beef uping economic and societal coherence in the EU through seting instabilities amongst its parts. The ERDF normally centers its attending on some cardinal precedence countries known as thematic concentrationââ¬â¢ : Low-carbon economic system Research and invention Helping little and moderate-sized endeavors ( SMEs ) and The digital docket The resource allotment to the precedences normally depends on the class of the part in inquiry. More developed parts focus at least 80 per centum of these financess on at least two of these precedences. Transition regionsââ¬â¢ focal point is for 60 per centum of the financess and 50 per centum for less developed parts. Additionally. some of the ERDF resources are directed specifically towards low-carbon economic system undertakings ; twenty per centum for more developed parts. 15 per centum for passage parts and twelve per centum for less developed parts. The ERDF besides gives particular attending to specific territorial properties. Disadvantaged countries from a geographical point of position. for illustration. cragged or sparsely populated countries. addition from this particular intervention. The European Social Fund ( ESF ) : The most of import focal point of the ESF is bettering the occupation market and instruction chances across member provinces of the European Union. Bettering the societal positions of vulnerable people is besides an of import purpose for the fund. The earmarking of more than Ãâ 80 billion for investing in human capital in EU member provinces for the period 2014-2020 attests to it. Other aims of the fund include: retraining unemployed people. get downing particular programmes for the handicapped and other disadvantaged groups of citizens. In add-on: back uping freelance people who are merely get downing their concerns. developing employment service establishments and bettering the quality of instruction in larning establishments. Coherence Fund ( CF ) : The CF is largely aimed at member provinces whose Gross National Income ( GNI ) per dweller is less than 90 % of that of EUââ¬â¢s norm. Its chief purpose is to minimise societal and economic disparities and advancing sustainable development. The CF is besides capable to the same ordinances as the ERDF and ESF via the Common Provisions Regulation. For the programming period. 2014-2020. the CF concerns provinces such as the Czech Republic. Croatia. Latvia. Malta. Hungary. Slovakia and Slovenia. The CF allocates about Ãâ 63. 4 billion to assorted economic and societal public assistance undertakings. The Cohesion Fund is used to fund trans-European conveyance webs particularly those identified as precedences by the EU. The financess can to boot be used to fund environment-friendly undertakings. These undertakings include those that benefit the environment in footings of renewable energy. back uping an inter-modality. and energy efficiency. If audits reveal th at a member province has inordinate public shortage and they are non taking stairss to decide the state of affairs. the Cohesion Fund can be suspended by a Council Decision. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ( EAFRD ) : The EAFRD screens ; bio-energy. organic agriculture. forest resources. nutrient safety. carnal public assistance. works wellness and rural development programmes ( RDPs ) . The EU requires its member provinces to construct their RDPs upon non less than six set EU precedences. They include: Advancing cognition transportation and invention in the agricultural sector. forestry and rural countries. Bettering the viability of all types of agribusiness. and backing advanced agriculture engineerings and sustainable forest direction. Encouraging nutrient concatenation organisation. direction of hazard in agribusiness and animate being public assistance. Protecting and developing ecosystems allied to agriculture and forestry. Switching towards a low-carbon and climate-conscious economic system in the nutrient and agribusiness sectors. Each RDP identifies focus countries to put quantified marks for financess needed. Measures to accomplish these marks and their single fund allotments are paramount. RDPsââ¬â¢ besides gets funding from private sectors that portion the same political orientations. The execution of financess is monitored and evaluated in item. European Maritime and Fisheries Fund ( EMFF ) : The EMFF. once European Fisheries Fund ( EFF ) . is used to fund the Common Fisheries Policy ( CFP ) . The EMFF gives support for the fishing industry and communities in the coastal parts. The CFP enterprises to do certain that fishing and aquaculture are sustainable ; environmentally. economically and socially. Healthy fish and seafood is besides paramount. Though of import to maximise gimmicks for concern intents. bounds must be put in topographic point. The CFP stipulates that bounds should be set such that fish stocks are sustainable in the long-run. The CFP allows EU member provinces entree to its Waterss and angling evidences. To heighten transparence in support. the European Transparency Initiative was set up. A cardinal web portal was created to roll up and demo informations from all donees of EU support ; financess received and how the financess are being used. There is besides an stock list of EU support that shows the ratings done and released by the Evaluation Services of all Twenty-five EU member provinces. Using for Funding in Selected Areas Enterprise: little and moderate-sized endeavors ( SMEs ) can obtain funding via grants. loans and warrants. It is largely through fiscal mediators in their member provinces. Grants normally account for 50 per centum of undertaking costs. Lend warrants are given to microcredit organisations for loans of up to Ãâ 25. 000. Non-profit organisations: they include non-governmental and civil society organisations. These organisations are eligible for support every bit long as they are active in EU policy parts and a purely non-profit footing ( Council. 2007 ) . Young people: they are eligible for two types of support ; instruction and preparation. and youth support. The former includes survey chances through Erasmus+ . scholarships for high school alumnuss. and occupational preparation in other states. The latter includes co-funding young person undertakings that encourage civic engagement. charity work and a broad multicultural mentality. Research workers: persons and establishments involved in invention and research undertakings are qualified to bespeak for the financess. The European Union will supply approximately Ãâ 80 billion in its quest to fund research. The support typically takes the signifier of grants to finance partially a broad scope of research and invention undertakings. Agribusiness and piscaries: geting financess for such undertakings involves giving a general debut. showing fiscal studies. and giving information on the planned usage of the financess. Direct support is the most of import and common type of support in the EU member provinces. Cultural and audiovisual sector: the chief programme in this section is civilization: it has three chief ends. They include advancing cross-border mobility of people working in the cultural sector. encouraging circulation of cultural. artistic end product. and furthering intercultural duologue ( Evans A ; Foord. 1999 ) . Energy: support is available for a figure of sectors including solar and wind energies. bioenergy. renewable energy. clean coal undertakings and energy efficiency. Fundss are besides available for Trans-European Energy Networks ( TEN-E ) . whose purpose is to heighten transit webs for electricity and gas across the European member provinces. The structural financess and grants from the European Union Fundss have impacted the lives of the citizens of its member provinces vastly. The criterions of life of many citizens have risen perceptibly due to the array of new employment chances created by the fundsââ¬â¢ undertakings. Some of the projectsââ¬â¢ success narratives are notable and have had a great impact to provinces and persons. We will take a expression at some illustrations of undertakings carried out utilizing the financess so as to take note of their effects to their donees. ESF in the Czech Republic The Czech Republic is among the less affluent states in the European Union member provinces. Harmonizing to ordinances. Czech could hold drawn about Ãâ 26. 7 billion from the ESF in the programming period 2007-2013 in order to raise the criterions of life of its people. However. the sum received from the ESF for that period is Ãâ 3. 8 billion. Together with national support. the tally adds up to over Ãâ 4. 4 billion. ESF financess aid in three activities. The first is progressing instruction at all degrees and heightening its relevancy to the occupation market. Second. the financess are used to enable many people to acquire employment. particularly the disadvantaged. Last. they have helped construct fight of the Prague part. The Czech Republic is utilizing the financess to make away with obstructions that ; for one ground or another. prevent people from acquiring a occupation. These people include ; female parents with immature kids. older people. and the handicapped and deprived groups. like those with small or no professional accomplishments. Many ESF undertakings across the state are doing entree to preparation installations easier and cut downing some practical obstructions to work. Consequently. this is conveying a positive impact by raising its citizens out of poorness ( Fagan. 2005 ) . ESF support is besides assisting better the quality of instruction by size uping criterions. using more competent instructors. and learning occupation searchers merely the needed accomplishments by employers. Events such as scientific discipline docudrama movie festivals and meetings with top Czech scientists are being used as platforms to promote pupils to see callings in scientific discipline and engineering. Just like other member provinces. the Czech Republic is fighting with the unemployment crisis. The ESF fund. nevertheless. has gone a long manner in assisting Czech citizens find occupations attributed to the assorted employment and educational undertakings initiated by the financess. Salvaging Lifes: EU Funded Cancer Research Project Doctors largely wait for several months to measure whether malignant neoplastic disease interventions that they are administrating to their patients are really working. By detecting a new technique that rapidly reveals a tumour by look intoing ingestion of glucose. an EU-funded undertaking has reduced the hold. This find enables physicians to acquire more preciousââ¬â¢ clip to exchange to more effectual signifiers of intervention if important ; potentially salvaging many lives. All malignant neoplastic disease interventions do non work in every patientââ¬â¢s instance. A tumour might cut down quickly after a intervention. yet its appraisal is complex. Several therapies may extinguish the malignant neoplastic disease without cut downing the size of the tumour. A hold in verification by a physician may intend that by the following intervention. the patient may be a batch weaker. and the malignant neoplastic disease advanced farther ( Eckhouse A ; Sullivan. 2006 ) . Physicians want to measure instantly if the malignant neoplastic disease is affected by a intervention. non merely by mensurating its size but through metabolic indexs. The EU-funded undertaking. Imaging Lymphoma. has developed such an appraisal. The invention will be of import in future malignant neoplastic disease interventions as it makes it easier for physicians to handle their patients. Turning Food Waste into Animal Feed The European Union is the beginning of 18 % of nutrient exports worldwide and with it comes a immense ball of agricultural waste. This waste costs husbandmans and taxpayersââ¬â¢ money ( Kraemer. Wilkinson. Klasing A ; Homeyer. 2002 ) . An EU-funded research undertaking NOSHAN wants to change over nutrient waste into carnal provender. The aim of the research is to open up new chances for husbandmans and cut downing Europeââ¬â¢s dependance on animate being provender imports. Additionally. new green occupations in agricultural waste aggregation and provender fabrication will be created. The NOSHAN undertaking aims peculiarly at turning fruits. veggies and dairy wastes into carnal provender. and at low energy costs. The undertaking is expected to reason its research in 2016. and by that clip. the research squad will be able to hold the best waste extraction and upgrading techniques. The NOSHAN undertaking presents Europeââ¬â¢s agricultural sector with a chance of achieving greater agricultural sustainability. The undertaking has been awarded merely under Ãâ 3 million in the programming period 2007-2013. It brings together a University. little and moderate-sized endeavors ( SMEs ) . research institutes and other industries. The NOSHAN undertaking could besides cut down the ever-increasing competition between nutrient and provender sectors. both of which require H2O and land ( Wolz. Hubbard. Mollers. Gorton A ; Buchenrieder. 2012 ) . Revolutionizing the Transport Sector EU-funded research workers have come up with groundbreaking proposals to forestall railroad self-destructions and lessening break of services. If adopted. the proposals could salvage lives. money and clip for railroad companies and their riders. Waiting for a train. and all of a sudden the service is called off or detain indefinitely is something that train riders have become accustomed to in the long tally. Possibly an accident ; person fell onto the path. or they purposefully stepped in forepart of the path. The EU-funded undertaking. RESTRAIL. collected and analyzed the steps put in topographic point by different EU member provinces to control self-destructions and inadvertent deceases. The result of the research was that proposals that can salvage a batch of lives. Decision shapers such as station directors or railroad companies should hold a set of the most efficient extenuation steps for every event. The trials they have conducted have created a tool chest for audience on the best patterns on each state. RESTRAIL guidelines could assist cut down direct and indirect costs linked to railway self-destructions and accidents. ESF Fund in Slovakia Slovakia is one of the fastest turning economic systems in the EU. but it faces several challenges such as high long-run unemployment degrees. However. Slovakia plans to increase the countryââ¬â¢s employment rate to 72 % by 2020. Slovakia has received Ãâ 1. 5 billion ESF support for the period ended 2007-2013. In combination with national co-funding. they have raised a sum of Ãâ 1. 76 billion. A assortment of projectsââ¬â¢ is being supported via the support. Public employment installations and services are being improved so as to make as many Slovaks as possible. Since 2007-2011. about 24. 000 employment chances have been created and around 26. 000 people have found employment via ESF supported steps. Undertakings are besides being implemented in the signifier of flood-dependence-programmes that offer up to 4. 500 new occupations in 200 small towns. ESF support is assisting reform the instruction system in Slovakia by guaranting that instruction is tailored to aline with the germinating demands of the society. An illustration is a undertaking that investigates the involvements of immature people and lucifers them to career counsel. ESF funded undertakings are easing the constitution of life-long-learning civilization that natures accomplishments of the Slovak citizens throughout their lives. For case. a Slovak packaging company has used ESF funding to ease professional preparation of new accomplishments. such as in quality and environmental criterions. doing them more adaptable and good equipped for their hereafter callings. The Roma people in Slovakia tend to populate in unintegrated colonies and are more open to long-run unemployment compared to the mean population. and besides live in conditions of poorness. Thankss to ESF support. societal workers and helpers have been employed to work closely with them to assist better their fortunes ( Guy A ; Kovats 2006 ) . Reverses and Doubts on the efficient usage of EU Fundss One of the jobs with EU financess is that in some instances. the money is allocated to undertakings that are neither necessary nor productive ( Sumpikova . Pavel A ; Klazar. 2004 ) . For case. if a small town wants to mend pavements in its part and would wish to utilize EU support for it. it is imperative that they formulate a back uping narrative. Letââ¬â¢s say. enlargement of regional touristry. It means that. in add-on to mending the pavement. the money will besides be spent to set up some marks with a map of villageââ¬â¢s streets. which in the first topographic point is non necessary. Some smart small towns can even utilize the financess to restitute an old library and rename it to the Tourist Information Center. and stow some booklets at that place. in instance some tourers do demo up. Another quandary is distortion of industrial and consumer environment. When a house receives funding to construct. state. a food market shop. its neighbours who have the similar concern programs receive nil. A farther job is that national ministries of some provinces like say. Slovakia. are loath to depute control of EU financess to take down administration degrees. The cardinal authoritiess do non swear the ability of their municipalities and regional governments to implement the financess seasonably and efficaciously. There have been instances where regional governments have mixed execution of policies. to state the least. Nevertheless. Slovakia has non been able to make any efficient mechanisms for decision-making and direction of public financess ( Guy A ; Kovats. 2006 ) . Decision Fundss drawn from the European Union have increased employment chances. bolstered the instruction sectors of donees and led to the growing of economic systems. Additionally. funding the conveyance sector. research and invention undertakings have led to groundbreaking finds in the agricultural. wellness and conveyance sectors among others. The figure of lives saved and projected to salvage by some of these finds is astonishing. However. the support has non been without a few contentions. Some parties have tried to take advantage of corrupt functionaries to leverage some money for themselves taking to misapply and project of doubtful undertakings. An honorable civilization should be created to guarantee appropriate usage of financess. The European Union support end is to guarantee that donees spend money in a transparent. accountable mode. It is therefore the responsibility of all donees to do it a world. Mentions Council. T. R. D. ( 2007 ) . European Union Funding. Eckhouse. S. . A ; Sullivan. R. ( 2006 ) . A study of public support of malignant neoplastic disease research in the European Union. PLoS Medicine. 3 ( 7 ) . e267. Evans. G. . A ; Foord. J. ( 1999 ) . European support of civilization: promoting common civilization or regional growing? . Cultural Trends. 9 ( 36 ) . 53-87. Fagan. A. ( 2005 ) . Taking stock of civil-society development in post-communist Europe: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Democratization. 12 ( 4 ) . 528-547. Guy. W. . A ; Kovats. M. ( 2006 ) . EU-funded Roma programmes: Lessons from Hungary. Slovakia and the Czech Republic. London: Minority Rights Group International. Kraemer. R. A. . Wilkinson. D. G. . Klasing. A. . A ; von Homeyer. I. ( 2002 ) . EU Environmental Governance: A Benchmark of Policy Instruments. With a focal point on Agriculture. Energy and Transport. Study commissioned by the Belgian Federal Department of the Environment. No. ECOLOGIC. Berlin. Sumpikova . M. . Pavel. J. . A ; Klazar. S. ( 2004. May ) . EU financess: soaking up capacity and effectivity of their usage. with focal point on regional degree in the Czech Republic. In Conference proceedings of the 12 Thursday NISPAcee Conference. Wolz. A. . Hubbard. C. . Mollers. J. . Gorton. M. . A ; Buchenrieder. G. ( 2012 ) . Patterns behind rural success narratives in the European Union: Major lessons of former expansions ( No. 68 ) . Studies on the agricultural and nutrient sector in Central and Eastern Europe. Beginning papers
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ice Breakers for the First Day of Elementary School
Ice Breakers for the First Day of Elementary School The first few minutes of class, kicking off a new school year can be awkward and nerve-wracking for both you and your new students. You dont yet know these students well, nor do they know you, and they may not even know each other yet. Breaking the ice and getting the conversation going so everyone can get to know each other is an important thing to do.à Check out these popularà Ice Breaker activities that you can use with your elementary school students when school opens. The activities are fun and easy for students. Best of all, they elevate the mood and help thaw out the first day of school jitters. 1. Human Scavenger Hunt To prepare, pick about 30-40 interesting characteristics and experiences and list them on a worksheet with a little-underlined space next to each item. Next, have the students roam around the classroom asking each other to sign on the lines that relate to them. For example, some of your lines might be, Went out of the country this summer or Has braces or Likes pickles. So, if a student went to Turkey this summer, they can sign that line on other peoples worksheets. Depending on the size of your class, it may be OK for each student to sign two of any other persons blank spaces. The goal is to fill up your worksheet with signatures for each and every category. This may look like organized chaos, but the students will typically stay on task and have fun with this one. Alternatively, this activity can be put into the format of a Bingo board, rather than a list. 2. Two Truths and a Lie At their desks, ask your students to write down three sentences about their lives (or their summer vacations). Two of the sentences should be true and one should be a lie. For example, your statements might be: This summer I went to Alaska.I have 5 little brothers.My favorite food is brussels sprouts. Next, have your class sit in a circle. Each person gets a chance to share their three sentences. Then the rest of the class takes turns guessing which one is the lie. Obviously, the more realistic your lie (or mundane your truths), the harder time people will have figuring out the truth. 3. Same and Different Organize your class into small groups of approximately 4 or 5. Give each group two pieces of paper and a pencil. On the first sheet of paper, the students write Same or Shared at the top and then proceed to find qualities that are shared by the group as a whole. Make sure to point out that these should not be silly or trite qualities, such as We all have toes. On the second paper, label it Different or Unique and give the students time to determine some aspects that are unique to only one member of their group. Then, set aside time for each group to share and present their findings. Not only is this a great activity for getting to know each other, but it also emphasizes how the class has shared commonalities as well as unique differences that make up an interesting and completely human whole. 4. Trivia Card Shuffle First, come up with a predetermined set of questions about your students. Write them on the board for all to see. These questions can be about anything, ranging from What is your favorite food? to What did you do this summer? Give each student an index card numbered 1-5 (or however many questions you are asking) and have them write their answers to the questions on it, in order. You should also fill out a card about yourself. After a few minutes, collect the cards and redistribute them to the students, making sure no one gets their own card. From here, there are two ways that you can finish out this Ice Breaker. The first option is to have the students get up and mingle as they chat and try to figure out who wrote the cards they are holding. The second method is to begin the sharing process by modeling for the students how to use the card to introduce a classmate. 5. Sentence Circles Split your students into groups of 5. Give each group a piece of sentence strip paper and a pencil. On your signal, the first person in the group writes one word on the strip and then passes it to the left. The second person then writes the second word of the burgeoning sentence. The writing continues in this pattern around the circle with no talking. When the sentences are complete, the students share their creations with the class. Do this a few times and have them notice how their collective sentences improve each time around. Edited byà Stacy Jagodowski.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is the concept of the rule of law, as defined by dicey, still relevant Essay
Is the concept of the rule of law, as defined by dicey, still relevant to the UK constitution and legal system today - Essay Example Professor A V Dicey popularized this concept, and was able to describe three major tenets of the rule of law. These tenets are (Macdonald, 2010), Nobody is above the law, and everybody should be treated equally before the laws that govern the country. This is an indication that the laws of the land apply equally, to everybody in the same manner. This is regardless of economic, social and political status. The emergence of the constitution or laws is as a result of former judicial decisions that determined the rights in which private people should enjoy. On this basis, the constitution is not the source upon which laws emerge. The sources of law are therefore a consequence of the inherent rights of individuals. The constitution is derived as a consequence of the rights of people. These principles and concepts are widely applicable in the United Kingdom. The first principle by Dicey concerns itself with discretionary powers and the rule of law. Any government action must be recognized and authorized by law. That is the reason as to why the government cannot arbitrarily arrest a person, and charge him or her for the crimes that are not recognized by law. This principle is established in the 1994 case of R vs. Horseferry Road Magistrates. This was a case that examined the jurisdiction of a magistrate to protect the process of the court from abuse. Under this case, the defendant was arrested illegally, and in a breach of the extradition laws of the United Kingdom. The court denoted that an individual, who is charged with a criminal offence, must receive a fair trial. If an individual cannot receive a fair trial for an offence that he is charged for, then he or she should not be tried at all. On this note, the court denoted that the authorities illegally detained and arrested the defendant, and on this basis, the entire prosecution process was illegal (Flores, 2013). Under this case, it is therefore possible to denote that the judiciary had the powers of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
On Spirituality and Feminist Liberation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
On Spirituality and Feminist Liberation - Essay Example Christianity is considered as one of the worldââ¬â¢s oldest agents of transformation as a factor in progress and development of humanity. The reasons, evidences and principles involved in understanding the issue of spirituality and its patriarchal nature had been extensively documented and debated upon since time immemorial. Since the predominant structure from early Christian era is patriarchal in nature, this paper will try to explore and analyze the historical role of women in religion by looking into the belief systems, myths, ad archetypes from ancient civilizations to the advent of religious feminism. The analysis would be thorough in depth discussion and reasoning on its philosophical and psychological implication with emphasis on female metaphysical structure. The predominantly patriarchal structure of church, though not inclusive, significantly shaped the role of women in religion and spiritualty. During the early Christian era, it is evident that womenââ¬â¢s lives and spiritualties are constantly challenged as they are continually restricted in all aspect of life, considered inferior in essence compared to men and have very little access to knowledge. Accordingly, women is shaped and affected by their conditioned role and to conform and be dependent to the patriarchal structure of society (Melanchthon 303)... In essence, there should be emphasis on the various kinds of religion in looking into the role of women in terms to spirituality and relationship with the divine. However, as suggested by Howell, religions basically presets common purpose such that the primary is to stabilize the immediate society from any possible conflict and destruction through implementation of best practices and the secondary purpose is to control women in such a way that they will continue to reproduce and satisfy the male biological and physiological demands for sex. Though some women are worshiped for their beauty and beyond their domesticated propose, men remained in charge as predetermined by the patriarchal society. According to Melanchthon, feminism is the major ideology that liberates women from several decades of oppression and injustice brought about by the patriarchal nature of society through transformation. Looking at several historical data, it can be noted that women really experiences oppression and injustice and the advent of spiritual feminism liberated them from such (308). Women as Spiritually and Religiously Oppressed For most women, spirituality and religious undertakings became their source of inspiration and from part of in their personal relationship with the divine they worship and to achieve spiritual holiness women strive to continually achieve it through religious works and deeds. However, until 1920ââ¬â¢s or before the advent of feminist spirituality, women cannot express their affection and relationship with the divine and were constantly being the subject of injustices and oppression. Among the injustices and oppressions women experienced in the past include; undervalued essence and other oppressions brought about by the patriarchal system, unrecognized
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How to Live a Greener Lifestyle Essay Example for Free
How to Live a Greener Lifestyle Essay More people have paid attention to sustainable environment. This essay will introduce how to live a greener life which can be applied by each person living on earth. The behavior of greener lifestyle includes food, clothing, living and transports. These 4 parts also regarded as 4 basic need of human. First, food and clothes make a great difference for both saving source and reducing waste. Food can be divided into 2 parts vegetable and meat, once meat is produced, at the same time, animals have spent air, land, and especially much water, which means meat uses more resources than vegetable, so person should limit the frequency of eating meat. As for apparel, modern media always spread what fashion is, however, what does fashion teach the public? Fashion tells people to stay ââ¬Å"freshâ⬠, which encourage consumers to buy more clothes than they need. In order to follow fashion, trendsetter and the consumer could never stop shopping each year and each season. Almost everything in fashion is cyclical, a dress which has been owned would become ââ¬Å"outâ⬠in a short time. A greener lifestyle bans buying clothes if you do not need. Second, the choice of where you are living is a factor to greener lifestyle. People who are looking forward to bigger house are not living a green life. Because the bigger living space is, the more resources must be used to adjust the temperature. The habit of using heating equipment or air-condition is common in daily life, living in a small space can both save money and energy. The last part that a greener lifestyle asks for is transport. Citizens should decrease using private car, what a greener life is taking public transport such as subway, bus or train as much as possible, in this way, each private car owner would save his part which spends oil and release toxic gas. After following these step above, people all around the earth would live a greener lifestyle. Eating more vegetables, buying clothes sanely, not pursuing bigger house and taking public transport are easy to perform.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency Essay -- Drugs Social Issues D
Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency Substance abuse is the improper use of chemicals that can alter the way oneââ¬â¢s mind and body functions (TCC). In most cases, these chemicals would be referred to as a drug. Substance abuse can and may lead to chemical dependency or addiction. Dependence is the development of tolerance to chemicals which leads to symptoms of withdrawal. Substance abuse is a process that reflects a complicated interaction between the individual, the abused substance, and society (wikipedia.org). The leading cause of substance abuse or dependency is drug use in general. If you were to ask a drug user to tell you why they used drugs, they would most likely tell you that they use them to make themselves feel good. This could be a good explanation, for drugs act mainly on the limbic system in the center of your brainââ¬âcommonly referred to as ââ¬Å"the pleasure center.â⬠(freevibe.com p1) Drugs are often ingested to alter oneââ¬â¢s feelings, or to help someone cope with a mishap, but the problem is, people canââ¬â¢t stay ââ¬Å"highâ⬠forever. For Instance, drug use does not change the situation. Sooner or later, a person must deal with their misfortunes. Some people use drugs to fit in or to hide their insecurities, but many do not realize that drug abuse can isolate them from their family and friends. Certain people use them because they are bored and seeking excitement, while others just want to relax or escape stress. Drug use is not a successful way to escape oneââ¬â¢s ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Catastrophe Model of Construction Dispute Negotiation Behavior
The construction industry is apparently one of the major sectors of Hong Kong construction economy, and as Kenneth and Sai (2006) noted, buildings, the result of construction industryââ¬â¢s activities, are part of the built environment in which several human activities occur.As a result of the heavy reliance on team work and collaboration, construction activities are often prone to conflict, although it is apparent that this could also be obtainable in other organizational settings. Infact, these authors opine that the traditional construction contracting methods in several countries creates adversarial tendencies in the project team, which tend to foster conflict and thus conflicting behaviors in construction activities.It is a known fact that one of the primary indicators of construction success is the timely completion and delivery of the project. However, for any construction project to be completed and delivered as scheduled, a cooperative working environment is vital.In this light, Harmon (2003) suggested that the characteristic adversarial relationship and lack of a cooperative environment of construction organizational settings constitute one of the major factors that affect timely completion of construction projects.Because of the apparent importance of conflict management in construction, as well as in some other organizational settings, several scholarly works exist on conflict, conflict behaviors and conflict management. The term conflict has been severally defined, from different perspectives, even within construction literatures, as a result, several different understandings of conflict behaviors, and by extension conflict management styles, have been proffered.Kenneth and Sai (2006) argued, however, that the numerous construction literatures on conflict have essentially focused on conflict causes, prevention and management within a contractual and/or legal context. They suggested that equal importance should be accorded the human factors invol ved in conflicts, since according to them, conflicts is ââ¬Ëstemmed and handledââ¬â¢ by the people involved, thus the role played by human factors, especially behavior, should be considered an integral part of conflict management.It is this call that this paper intends to heed. This paper intends to look at construction conflict from the behavioral perspectives using Rene Thom's Catastrophe Theory.à It has been suggested that continuous changes in human behaviors often display a discontinuous lapse.In this light, it has been argued that the catastrophe theory provides a ââ¬Ëgrounded approach for modeling conflict behavior in constructionââ¬â¢ (Kenneth and Sai, 2006 p.439). This paper emphasizes the human factor in conflict by examining behaviors in response to conflict, known as conflict behavior; it then attempts to use a model of the catastrophe theory to explain construction conflict behaviors.ConflictConflict is a natural outcome of the interrelationships between individuals and groups. As a result, it is a very common and general phenomenon that can hardly be conceptualized in a simple definition. The interaction between individuals and groups brings to the fore, individual differences in goals, objectives or perspectives.The tension created by these differences, when identified by the parties involved is usually the cause of conflict. Several authors have offered different definitions or concepts of what constitute conflicts (Allred, 2000), however, there is hardly any definition that completely subsumes the entirety of conflicts from both the individual or organizational context.For example, Rahim et al (2000) positing that conflict is borne out of human interactions explain that conflicts begins when one individual ââ¬Ëperceives that his/her goals, attitudes, values or beliefsââ¬â¢ are not compatible with that of the otherââ¬â¢s (Rahim et al., 2000 p. 9). Here conflict is defined from the context of individual relations.Examinin g conflict from an organization context, Roloff (1987) argue that conflict begins when members of a team/organization engage in activities that are considered incompatible with those of colleagues within ââ¬Å"their network, members of other collectivities, or unaffiliated individuals who utilize the services or products of the organizationâ⬠(Roloff, 1987 p.496 quoted in Rahim, 2002).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Instructions for Blockbuster
Effective 2005, Blockbuster began a new policy of no late fees. In late 2005, Blockbuster was experiencing financial distress and needed emergency financing to stay afloat. The stock price dropped from $12 to $4, and the debt traded as junk.Question 1: Analyze the soundness of the decision, given the contribution that late fees made to prior yearsââ¬â¢ results. Does an analysis of the companyââ¬â¢s cash flows support or refute the companyââ¬â¢s decision?What you need to do is as follows: Get the data from 2002-2004, which should all be in the 2004 10-k, compute what free cash flow would have been without the late fees during 2002-2004, and project what 2005 free cash flow would be if the no late fee policy stays in place and business doesnââ¬â¢t improve. Late fees are referred to by the euphemism ââ¬Å"extended viewing feesâ⬠.Question 2: Is there any evidence that the 2005 results benefited from the no-late fees policy? If so, quantify the specific amount you believ e that the basic business improved due to the no late fees.Compare your projected 2005 free cash flow to the actual (from the 2005 10-k). Consider the known reasons that 2005 results differed from the no-late expectation from question 1: i) there were some large fees actually collected, ii) interest costs were higher than expected, iii) Capex was way lower than any reasonable expectation, and iv) a lot of cash went into working paper to replace the trade credit that was withdrawn. Use these four ââ¬Ëknown unexpectedsââ¬â¢ to form an adjusted expectation for 2005, and then compare that number to the actual.Notes: 1. It is important to remember the effects of tax. In particular, free cash flow should change by the after-tax amount of late fees, not by the gross amount of late fees. 2. Late fees are referred to in the income statement by the euphemism ââ¬Å"extended viewing feesâ⬠. 3. Focus on Blockbusterââ¬â¢s data andà donââ¬â¢t get distracted by an analysis of Ne tflix. Avoid making testimonials about how much better Netflix is than Blockbuster, or vice versa.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Efficiency-Wage Theory in Economics
The Efficiency-Wage Theory in Economics One of the explanations for structural unemployment is that, in some markets, wages are set above the equilibrium wage that would bring the supply of and demand for labor into balance. While it is true that labor unions, as well as minimum-wage laws and other regulations, contribute to this phenomenon, it is also the case that wages may be set above their equilibrium level on purpose in order to increase worker productivity. This theory is referred to as the efficiency-wage theory, and there are a number of reasons that firms might find it profitable to behave in this way. Reduced Worker Turnover In most cases, workers dont arrive at a new job knowing everything that they need to know about the specific work involved, how to work effectively within the organization, and so on. Therefore, firms spend quite a bit of time and money getting new employees up to speed so that they can be fully productive at their jobs. In addition, firms spend a lot of money on recruiting and hiring new workers. Lower worker turnover leads to a reduction in the costs associated with recruiting, hiring, and training, so it can be worth it for firms to offer incentives that reduce turnover. Paying workers more than the equilibrium wage for their labor market means that it is more difficult for workers to find equivalent pay if they choose to leave their current jobs. This, coupled with the fact that its also less attractive to leave the labor force or switch industries when wages are higher, implies that higher than equilibrium (or alternative) wages give employees an incentive to stay with the company that is treating them well financially. Increased Worker Quality Higher than equilibrium wages can also result in increased quality of the workers that a company chooses to hire. Increased worker quality comes via two pathways: first, higher wages increase the overall quality and ability level of the pool of applicants for the job and help to win the most talented workers away from competitors. (Higher wages increase quality under the assumption that better quality workers have better outside opportunities that they choose instead.) ââ¬â¹ Second, better paid workers are able to take care of themselves better in terms of nutrition, sleep, stress, and so on. The benefits of better quality of life are often shared with employers since healthier employees are usually more productive than unhealthy employees. (Luckily, worker health is becoming less of a relevant issue for firms in developed countries.) Worker Effort The last piece of the efficiency-wage theory is that workers exert more effort (and are hence more productive) when they are paid a higher wage. Again, this effect is realized in two different ways: first, if a worker has an unusually good deal with her current employer, then the downside of getting fired is larger than it would be if the worker could just pack up and get a roughly equivalent job somewhere else. If the downside of getting fired if more severe, a rational worker will work harder to ensure that she doesnt get fired. Second, there are psychological reasons why a higher wage might induce effortà since people tend to prefer working hard for people and organizations that acknowledge their worth and respond in kind.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
October Writing Prompts for Classroom Journals
October Writing Prompts for Classroom Journals October begins with students and teachers still happily enjoy the summer holidays and ends with the excitement of heading back to school. Feel free to use these writing prompts for each day in October as daily warm-ups or journal entries. October Holidays Adopt-a-Shelter-Animal MonthComputer Learning MonthFamily History MonthNational Dessert MonthEnergy Awareness Month Writing Prompt Ideas for October October 1 - Theme: World Vegetarian DayAre you a vegetarian? Why? If not, would you ever consider becoming one? Why or why not?October 2 - Theme: Peanuts Comics Strip First PublishedWhy is your favorite character from Peanuts: Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Peppermint Patty, or another character? Explain your answer.OR October 2- Theme:à International Day of Non-ViolenceNon-violence has been used to bring about social change.Read up on Gandhi. What social change would you suggest should be brought about?October 3 - Theme: Family Television DayIs there any television show that you watch together as a family? If so, what are they? If not, explain which TV show is your favorite.October 4 - Theme: Toot Your Own Flute DayWhat is something that you are really proud about? What are you good at? For todays writing assignment, brag about yourself.October 5 - Theme: Fast Food (Ray Krocs Birthday)What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Why?OR October 5 - Theme: World Teachers DayEstablishe d by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) in 1994.Write a teacher from your past (or present) a heartfelt ââ¬Å"thank youâ⬠letter or card. October 6 - Theme: Thomas Edison Showed the First Motion PictureExplain how movies have changed the world OR consider the economics of the motion picture industry (MPAA).à What is the significance of this industry that employs roughlyà 2.1 million jobs while paying out $49 billion to local businesses across the country?October 7 - Theme: Computer Learning MonthAre you a gamer? A coder?à On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your skills using a computer?October 8 - Theme:à Columbus Dayà -(celebrated)Should Columbus Day still be celebrated as a national holiday?Explain your answer.October 9 - Theme: Explorer Leif Erikson DayCelebrate the explorer who found America!No, not Columbus. The other explorer, the Viking, Leif Erikson, who beat Columbus by 400 years. Why do you think we do not celebrate this explorer?October 10 - Theme: Cakes (Cake Decorating Day)If you could have any cake for your birthday, what would it be?Describe the type of cake, the t ype of icing, and how it would be decorated. October 11 - Theme: Eleanor Roosevelts BirthdayEleanor Roosevelt was born on this date in 1884. She is considered one of the most influential First Ladies. In your opinion, what kind of influence should the First Lady have on the government?October 12 - Theme: Indigenous Peoples Day (traditionally Columbus Day)Indigenous Peoples Dayà began as a counter-celebration toà the U.S.à federal holidayà ofà Columbus Day.à Indigenous Peoples Day is intended to celebrate North and South American peoples, and to bring attention toà Native Americans whoà continue to practice their cultures today. Do you know which indigenous peoples are associated with your town, city, or state?October 13 - Theme: Train Your Brain DayAre you a fan of crosswords, sudoku, or other mind games? Why or why not?ORà October 13 - Theme: National MM DayThere are over 340 million MMs produced daily.Whichà is your favorite kind of MM candy? (plain, peanut, etc) If they had to invent a new MM, what would you suggest?October 14 - Theme: Chocolate Covered Insect DayTheà U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization notes thatà there are more than 1,900 edible insect species on Earth. Insects may be one way to feed the world population in the future.Would you ever consider eating a chocolate covered insect? Why or why not? October 15 - Theme: National Poetry DayT. S. Eliot said, Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. What do you think he meant by this?October 16 - Theme: Dictionary DayBased on the life and times of Noah Webster of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, this day celebrates words. Over 800 words are added annually to our language.à Look up some of the new additions or make a suggestion for the adoption of a new word.October 17 - Theme: Wear Something Gaudy DayDescribe the gaudiest outfit imaginable. Would you wear it?OR October 17 - Theme: Chessââ¬â¹In 1956, a 13-year old Bobby Fischer won the a chess match against the à 26-year-old champion Donald Byrneà in what is called the chess Game of the Century.Do you play chess or other strategy games (board or video)? Do you think age makes a difference in who is a champion in a game of strategy? Why or why not?October 18 - Theme: Adopt-a-Shelter-Animal DayAccording to the ASPCA, approximately 6.5 million companion animals en ter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year.If you were to buy a dog or cat, would you go to a shelter to adopt one or buy from a breeder? Explain your reasons. October 19 - Theme: Thomas Edison Demonstrated the Electric LightA survey taken at the end of the 20th Century found that Edison was the most influential figure of the millennium..... Do you agree or disagree?à Describe at least five things that would be different about life if there were no electric lights.October 20 - Theme: Sweetest DayDescribe at least three nice things that you can do for someone you care about.October 21 - Theme: Reptile Awareness DayReptiles can anà alternatives for people who are allergic to furryà or feathery animals. There are some drawbacks, however, as there are many species ofà à reptiles that will bite. Some species are venomous.Would you own a snake or other reptile as a pet? Why or why not?October 22 - Theme: National Color DayWhat is your favorite color? How would you describe your favorite color to a blind person?OR October 22- Theme: RiskOnà this day in 1779, the French balloonist Andrà ©-Jacques Garnerin was the first person to use a parachute when he jumped out of a balloon over Paris using a silk parachute that he made himself.What is the riskiest thing you have ever done? Would you do it again? October 23 - Theme: Mole DayMole Day is an unofficial holiday for chemistry enthusiasts celebrated between 6:02 a.m. and 6:02 p.m., or 6:02 10/23 (a measuringà unit in chemistry).What are three ways in which chemistry has made the world a better place?October 24 - Theme: United Nations DayIn 1971, United Nations General Assembly recommended that the day be observed by Member States as a public holiday.If you could visit one foreign country, which would it be and why?October 25 - Theme: Sarcasm (Sarcastic Month)Are you a fan of sarcasm? Are you personally sarcastic? Explain your answers.October 26 - Theme: Make a Difference DayPick an area of your life: family, school, work, friends, or society. Explain 5 ways you can make a positive difference in that area.October 27 -Theme:à US Navy DayThe US Navy was createdà by the Secondà Continentalà Congressà passed a resolutionà but it was not until 1794 after an engagement with Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean that the Navy showed its prowess. What do you know about this branch of the military? Would you ever consider a career in the military? October 28 - Theme: Statue of Libertys BirthdayThe Statue of Liberty, or Liberty Enlightening the World, was aà symbolic gift from the people of France to the people of the United States in 1886.What does this the Statue of Liberty symbolize today?October 29 - Theme:à National Cat Day68 percent of all households in the United States ownà a pet cat, making the number of pet cats close toà 95.6 million.Are you a cat pet person or are you a dog pet person? Or do you even want a pet? Why or why not?October 30 - Theme: National Candy Corn DayWhats your favorite Halloween candy? Why?October 31 - Theme: HalloweenThe National Retail Federation estimates that over $9 billion dollars will be spent on Halloween. Do you plan on spending money for Halloween? Do you like Halloween? Dressing up? Why or why not?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Home Nursing Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Home Nursing - Dissertation Example The American Indians also had their own midwives and traditions of birthing (Rooks, 2006). Changes in the legislation and the education system were eventually made in order to introduce midwifery and nursing education in the schools. The regulation of the profession was also set forth with the implementation of government control and management in the 1920s; these regulations have been modified throughout the years (Rooks, 2006). In the 1800s, birthings were attended mostly by midwives; the rest by physicians. Physicians soon replaced the role of midwives in the birthing when the former were made to undergo more training in the field of birthing. Hospitalizations of birthing mothers became one of the means adapted in order to improve the skills of birthing doctors. Gradually, the number of midwives trickled to a limited population with most of them being relegated to rural communities (Rooks, 2006). Nurse-midwifery however slowly made a rebirth in North America with the Frontier Nurs ing Service (FNS) founded in poor rural county Kentucky in 1925 (Rooks, 2006). It was founded by Mary Breckenridge who was a public health nurse with the Red Cross France. She was trained by British midwives in the birthing process and she used these skills to help poor families in Kentucky (Rooks, 2006). These nurse-midwives attended births only until the 1950s when the hospitals created midwifery services to assist in the post war baby-boom. In the 1960s, only about 70 nurse midwives were in practice. These nurse-midwives were however very much influential because they advocated family-centred maternity care and assisted in childbirth education; they also illustrated the importance of mother-baby rooming, the importance of encouraging breast... This paper approves that in order to ensure that the nurse and the midwife, as well as other health professionals are equipped to deal with the home health patients they would be monitoring, proper training and workshops must be set-up for them. These workshops and trainings would properly inform them of the inclusive details of their practice in relation to the patientââ¬â¢s needs. It would enhance their knowledge and skills; it would also serve to update their knowledge about postpartum care; and it would help focus their skills towards more specific patient needs. Through these staff trainings and workshops, they would be trained to know what to expect from their patients and the danger signs which may be associated with at-risk patients. This report makes a conclusion that this research very enlightening but also very much difficult. We had to convince ourselves to focus on the research and to ensure that we would be able to reach and fulfill the goals of this research. This process was tedious at times, but we understood that these were essential parts of the research. We were prompted many times to ask help from my fellow nurses in the reflection process. They were very helpful and they gave me strong and very insightful details about our research. We learned about the benefits of teamwork and coordination and of communicating with other health professionals, not just nurses. We found out that with proper and respectful coordination, the patient can benefit well from the improved practice and collaboration of health professionals. The referral process would be automatic and routine, to a point wherein the flow of communication would be seamless. This research assisted in the development of my analytical skills.
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